Bunnies Are Magic


After mornings of particularly shameful toddler like behavior (oftentimes on both our parts)- it's easy to let it dictate the rest of our day. Too easy it is to spend her nap time in a pool of woe-is-me, fearing an impending afternoon of similar meltdowns. I've come to realize if I give in to this, it's a sealed guarantee of more of the same. But if I recalibrate and remind myself how little this should be about me, how lucky I am to have that happy, healthy, fiery kid-nado canvas- it becomes much easier to turn my mope into hope, dread into tread. E's love of hop-hops- the name for bunnies 'round here- runs wild and deep (it's even the theme of this years birthday). She has amassed a mass of bunny toys and figurines, and those are my magic makers on the aforementioned rough days. Like more fabulous woodland Elves on the Shelf, while she naps- bunnies do funny or strange things... when she awakens and discovers whats the hap with the hop-hops, those brief milliseconds! The confused curious smile! Hands down my favorite moments of magic. Sometimes one is naughtily swimming in the bathroom sink, another time a Calico Critter bunny built and climbed a tower of blocks as high as the ceiling. Once a play-doh bunny awaited with coveted googly eyes, ready to be mashed and reinvented. Yesterday, she awoke to a wall covered in giant hop-hop paper cut outs. It was b.day party decor I just finished, and thought- lets use the extra fancy (aka $$$) washi tape she's always trying to get her mitts on, and stick these up for a Bunnies Are Magic moment. It's all secretly selfish on my part though. Before I know it, when mama's manufactured hop-hop magic is a long lost memory and she is too cool for my quirky school, at least I'll have those mental polaroids of her perplexed-enchanted-just-woke-up babyface to help get me past whatever the hurdle du jour will be. I don't give a rat's turd about Santa Claus, but oh man, when she stops believing in the mysticism of bunnies- that'll be the real twist of the dagger!

Typophile in Training

Creating the mini art collection for the dollhouse has been an extra fun part of the "decorating" process. I whipped up a miniature Font Poster for my gal's Calico Critters. I've attached a PDF printable here in case you have a need for a teeny typography poster too.. There are a few different color ways and options for both Helvetica or Futura so you can pick your favorite!

Font Poster Printable

For you, I'll fold the sea.

Our first blog post! As my kid nears 2, I admit it's been a strange path. Years of living self-employed and childless meant I was able to work, design, and dole my time primarily as I needed/wanted to (with the obvious struggles that come with that turf). Becoming a "work while watching at home" mom has been a tricky balance that I'm still trying to decode. But that hasn't meant the canvas for making and doing has been shut off- quite the contrary. It just has a different composition. Deciding it was time (both for sanity and financial reasons!) to axe custom and wedding clients from my business  (stationery goods), leaves more time for kid fun, craft messes, strange little fussy house/child projects that I love to hate. For now, this site is for me and my daughter (and you if you'd like!)- it's our little empty nook of the internet where I can lodge the crafts, the pics, this evolving adventure, the random snippets and mementos of my promise to her that she inspires me to fold the sea.